How can you help us

Our mission begins with replacing the aged dining furniture in the primary school cafeteria. This update ensures that our children have a clean, safe and welcoming space to enjoy their meals, socialize and recharge during their school day. By improving these everyday interactions, we help foster a more enjoyable and conducive learning environment.

"Nothing can replace the incredible memories we made in school."

When your grandparents recall using the same furniture in elementary school that their grandchildren are still sitting on today, it's definitely time for an update. That's why we're launching a fundraising campaign to give our school's dining room a fresh, modern makeover. Please help us transform this space into a welcoming environment that meets 21st-century standards.

Your support will enable us to upgrade the tables and chairs and create a 'Supporters' Corner' in the dining room, featuring the names and postcards from our contributors.

We're looking to raise €3,000 to cover the shortfall of our total €10,000 investment. Any funds raised beyond our goal will be used to purchase speakers for school events, enhancing our students' educational experience even further.

Thank you for considering a contribution to make our school a better place for current and future generations.

Send us a postcard

In the renovated dining room we will have a place where you postcard will be displayed so that kids can see that "whole world" help them.

Donate the money

This can be done over the Gogetfunding crowdfunding campaign, directly to schools iban or in Kumrovec.

Be proactive in your community

Probably there is no bigger cliche than falsely quoting Gandi: "Be a change you want to see in the world"... But still this are wise words :)

How to donate

Direct bank transfer to schools account

Name: Osnovna skola Josipa Broza
Adress: A. Mihanovica 8, 49295 Kumrovec
IBAN: HR6523600001101433230
Description: "Donacija za opremanje školske Blagovaonice"

Or scan the 2d code below, btw this is set to donate 10€, so please change it according to your wishes.

Personally in Kumrovec

More info soon...